Good Learning Anywhere will be hosting an Information Session for Literacy and Basic Skills Practitioners, Coordinators and Staff in Ontario.
- When: Tuesday January 8th, 2013
- Time: 2:00 pm EST to 3:00 pm EST
- Where: LIVE online in Centra
Topics for this session include:
- Registration with Good Learning Anywhere
- Course Catalogue for the winter term
- Benefits of Online Learning
- Learn how GLA can assist with ongoing assessment through independent learning options
- GLA Learner Plans & Online Mentors
- Monthly Sharing Circles
- Open question and answer period
This is a great opportunity for LBS Programs in Ontario to ensure they have the most up to date information about this Native Stream e-Channel lead organization.
For more information, please email
Login instructions will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance before the session.
[contact-form-7 id=”3251″ title=”LBS Practitioners Info Session Registration”]