Spring has been in the air for a few weeks now, but here at GLA, we’re just getting started with some new adventures and a few changes to our organization.

Some of you may have already noticed those changes, and I thought this would be a great chance to share what’s been going on at our headquarters.

We’ve changed things up a bit, but never fear, our core is still the same.

Thanks to the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, we are still able to offer our courses for free to anyone in Ontario.  Our funding has allowed us to reach people in remote, rural and city centres, and thousands of people have benefited from our programming.

To create a more streamlined and accessible program, we’ve added some new features and have adjusted a few of the old ones to better serve you.

Here’s a breakdown of those changes:

You now have two options for taking our courses.

1. REGISTERED COURSES – Most of the courses offered online are only available to registered learners.  By becoming a Registered Learner you will have access to all of our courses.  When you first register with GLA, you will be taken to the G.O.A.L course, which  must be completed to be able to sign up for these courses. Click here to see the list of available Registered Courses.

GOALs stands for Guiding Online Adult Learners.  Everyone is required to complete this course as part of the registration process.

Here is the process for Registered Courses:

STEP 1: Sign up for the Goals course.

STEP 2: Check your email

STEP 3: Log in and complete the G.O.A.L. course

STEP 4: Connect with your Mentor

Not ready to register with us?  Want to check out what an online course is like?

2. OPEN COURSES – Starting April 2, Open Courses are available to adult learners across Ontario. They are a chance to experience and explore what it is like to be in a LIVE online classroom. There are only a limited number of Open courses. Open Courses can be signed up for by registered learners through their mentor. For new users that are not ready to register click here to sign up.

Here is the process for Open Course Sign up:

STEP 1: Sign up for Open Courses.

STEP 2: Check your email

STEP 3: Log in and complete the Open Courses

STEP 4: Talk to your Instructor about completing a full registration to take more courses.

Becoming a registered learner has many benefits:

  • Are you looking to get your High School Diploma?
  • Has your boss asked you to learn how to use the computer?
  • Are you struggling with Math, Writing, or any other subject?

Register with GLA – We can help

If you have any questions, you can always contact us at our toll-free line 866-550-0697 or email us at info@siouxhudsonliteracy.com