by stwadmin | Aug 12, 2012 | Blog, Program News
Good Learning Anywhere is pleased to offer these NEW Courses starting in the Fall 2012! LIVE Classes (Centra system) Computers For Work Starts Tuesday September 25th 2:30 to 4:30 pm EST Spirit Self Discovery Starts Wednesday September 26th 10:30 to 12:30 pm EST Short...
by stwadmin | Aug 1, 2012 | Blog, GLA News
Our Fall 2012 Live Classes Calendar is now available. Registration opens on September 4, 2012. The first classes begin Sept 16, 2012. The Fall Schedule now has 12 courses that feature Live Classes, 4 Short Courses that are guided by an instructor as well as dozens...
by stwadmin | May 10, 2012 | Blog, Program News
Are you an Aboriginal woman living in Northwest Ontario? Do you want to start your own business? Then PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise may be where you want to start. In addition to the workshops listed below, Good Learning Anywhere will be partnering with...
by stwadmin | Apr 23, 2012 | Blog, GLA News
Last year, Good Learning Anywhere awarded two learners with awards that celebrated their achievement and leadership. This year, we are looking for two learners that embody the spirit of our online community. The Ivy Tabobondung Award for Leadership is awarded to the...
by stwadmin | Apr 2, 2012 | Blog, GLA News
Spring has been in the air for a few weeks now, but here at GLA, we’re just getting started with some new adventures and a few changes to our organization. Some of you may have already noticed those changes, and I thought this would be a great chance to share what’s...