
In recent weeks, Julie Mallon, an online literacy practitioner and mentor with Good Learning Anywhere, presented Tina Roit with the Lois Land Award for Achievement. Julie prepared a speech and presented Tina the award with her Aunt by her side.

After accepting the award, Tina was kind enough to write a letter to Julie expressing her appreciation. Here are her words:

Dear Julie


I would like to thank you again for everything you have personally done for me. As you

know my struggles with completing my grade 12 education were long and sometimes

difficult. Having been in a motor vehicle accident left me with brain injuries that in turn

caused TIA’s and seizures. I had to be taught basically how to talk and walk again. I had

several therapists after the accident, but it wasn’t until 2 ½ years after my accident that

I met a speech therapist. With the help of my lawyers and the encouragement of my

therapist I entered into a correspondence program to complete my high school education.

At the time my therapist used the reading and writing to help me with the cognitive issues

with my learning abilities. She would have appointments with me to go over the grade 11

English lessons that I was taking. Meaning each week the essays I would have to write I

would verbally speak them to her and we would go over my reading and writing skills or lack

of at that time. It took me six years to complete four credits; I took both grade 11 & 12

English, grade 11 accounting and grade 12 math.


When I signed up at Good Learning Anywhere, I didn’t really how you would be able to help

me. I signed up for numerous classes; one class in particular ‘take a test’ gave me a better

in sight on how to study and how to retain information. I still had a great deal of problems

in that area. Most of my high school studies involved tests and exams that took a great

deal of hard work and sticky notes to achieve.


The online classes that made people get involved, are especially good because people like

me who are shy and very unsure about themselves were able to participate without feeling

the embarrassment of their disabilities.


The other teachers or mentors listened and helped with questions I had. I really enjoyed

doing the various projects as well. All this preparation that I have done has helped me

achieve the goals that have brought me here today! Which is taking a college course in

Bookkeeping? I am thoroughly enjoying it; my marks so far are in the 80’s and 90’s. I have

very few problems with doing the work or studying, I am actually ahead on a few things

this term.


I would like to thank you again for all the help that you, the people of Contact North and

the people of Good Learning Anywhere for making my dreams come true!


Tina Roit!

Sometimes we don’t realize how much of an impact we can make at a distance.  Please join us in congratulating Tina once again.  We would also like to thank Julie and all of our mentors for providing the encouragement and support that helps our learners achieve their goals.